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Cranford Night Out Held August 6th, 2024

Posted by : Matthew Nazzaro  On July 12th, 2024 3:43 pm

This summer on August 6th, 2024, Cranford Night Out will occur in Municipal Lot # 1 from 6PM until 9PM. 

Cranford Night Out is an evening of family-friendly community-building between the Cranford Police Department and the residents of Cranford. Residents are invited to Municipal Lot # 1 where the Cranford Police Department has booked a DJ, Face Painters, a Static Display of Emergency Vehicles, Italian Ices, Cotton Candy, Dragon Popcorn, and Games all free of charge to participants. Additionally, members of Cranford PBA will partner with Project Home for a “dunk a cop” fundraiser to help Cranford families in their time of need.

Questions about this event may be directed to the Police Juvenile Bureau, Detective Ali Muhammad, at a-muhuammad@cranfordnj.org or 908-272-8989.

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Release by Captain Matthew R. Nazzaro

Cranford Police Department

m-nazzaro@cranfordnj.org / 908-709-3990